Monday, October 26, 2009

Getting past the "RockBand Stage"

Popcorn is going through a phase. Our "band meetings" end up being very long sessions of RockBand. Yes, on the Wii. We play Are You Gonna Be My Girl over and over and over again. I can play air guitar to it. RockBand air guitar.
I have decided that I have to get us past that stage - because if we don't leave soon, we'll never be able to go back. I will forget how to strum a guitar, Helena will become so good at singing she won't want to play piano, and Jessica will keep thinking that she is playing RockBand drums while she takes her lessons.
So as you can see, it is very important that we move on.
Which is why I now commence: Operation REALITY. Duhn. Duhh. Duhnnnnn.